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The Difference Between a Fracture and a Sprain

You may come across a situation that while playing sports or indulging in any activity, you end up injuring your ankle and are unable to place your body weight on it. As a result, it may be tender to the touch and might hurt severely due to swelling or bruising. In such a case, it could be a sprain, or even a facture.

The symptoms of fractures and sprains are somewhat similar; however, in order to ensure the best recovery and healing procedures, it is important to be able to distinguish the two injuries.


A sprain occurs when there is damage to the ligaments in the ankle. They are stretchy bands that keep joints stable by holding the bones in place. They can move and stretch, but only to a certain extent. A sprain occurs when the ligaments are stretched beyond limit and cause a tear, resulting in a sprain.


Unlike a sprain, a fracture occurs when your bones break. Some individuals do not feel excruciating pain when the bone is broken and may think they just have a sprain. Fractures may also happen simultaneously with sprains.

Typically, an ankle fracture is caused when severe force is applied to the joint, or when the ankle is twisted.

Differences Between Fracture and Sprain

For identifying a fracture from a sprain the following guidelines can be followed:

  • In the case of a fracture, a crack might heard. Sprains usually occurs silently, or there may be popping sound in severe cases.

  • Swelling is most likely to occur for both. However, a fracture may be more apparent if the ankle appears to be misshapen.

  • Tingling or numbness can be a sign of a fracture, while sprains generally only cause severe discomfort.

  • If your ankle bone hurts or is tender to the touch it is probably a fracture. If the pain is felt in the soft part of the ankle, it is more likely a sprain.

In spite of the aforementioned guidelines, it is still advised to visit a doctor for an examination as symptoms vary.

Treatment for Fracture

In the case of a fracture, it is strongly recommended that medical assistance is sought as soon as possible. To help the healing process, the doctor will focus on aligning the broken bones, but failure in stabilising the fracture will lead towards the need for surgery.

Treatment for Sprain

The treatment for sprain is less complicated as they usually heal on their own. However, ibuprofen is recommended for pain relief.

In addition to this, the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) is often recommended by doctors to relieve inflammation.

If you are facing any of the aforementioned issues, do consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

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