Daily Physical Activity to Stay Healthy

Eating healthy food may keep you hale and hearty but to stay in good health and remain fit, physical activity is a must.

It cannot be emphasised enough that sedentary behaviour should be limited. A little physical exertion can go a long way to prolong living and serves as a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity can advance your health and lessen the risks of developing several fatal diseases. 


Having said that, being active doesn’t mean you have to embark on an Olympics training journey or have a hard-core workout session.

How much physical activity should you do?  

Any kind of physical activity or exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. However, it is also important to be wary of the fact that extreme exercises can have an alternative effect on your health. 

Let’s break it down into three age brackets to better understand how much activity is needed on a daily basis. 

  • From 20-30 years

This age bracket needs to be active because this is the mere beginning of their healthy lifestyle. The more physical activity you engage in at this age, the healthier you will be.


A moderate to vigorous workout for about 1 hour followed by some strengthening activities and stretches thrice a week should do the trick can be vital to maintaining good health.

Physical activities recommended: Brisk walking, skipping, cycling, and core strengthening exercises.

  • From 30-50 years

As you cross 30, it becomes essential to limit your sedentary behaviour. Doing any form of physical activity is better than doing absolutely nothing.


Start with a short exercise of 30 minutes a day and build it up gradually.

More intense physical activity along with a few muscle strengthening exercises 1-2 times a week is suggested.

Physical activities recommended: Yoga, core strengthening exercising, and brisk walking.

  • 65 years and above

As for people above 65, being fit and physically active will help you get the most out of life. Any kind of moderate exercise is a good start to staying fit and healthy.


At this age, gradually building up the intensity of the exercises is recommended. Try your strength on a range of activities that may help build fitness, strength, balance and overall flexibility.

Physical activities recommended: Flexibility exercises, walking, and muscle strengthening exercises.

Physical activity is good for everyone, regardless of age and fitness level. It can be anything you enjoy that gets your body moving!

For further information on the type of physical activity you can do we recommend consulting with an Orthopedic specialist.

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